Dirk supermarkets (al sinds 2000!):
Alle A-merken voor Dirk-prijzen.
(All A brands for Dirk prices.)

EPS richt je toekomst in.
EPS. Richt je toekomst in.
(Organise(s) your future.)
LAR legal assistance:
Met recht de sterkste.
(With reason the strongest.)
(With reason the strongest.)
Spinweb network:
Networking works!
Werkstation.tv retraining initiative:
Jouw leven in jouw handen.
(Your life in your hands.)
Resonansa new medical technologies:
Welcome in the 21st century.
Resocard bio resonance card:
Dr. Feelgood
Proforma corporate fashion:
Mogen we héél persoonlijk worden?
(Mind getting really personal?)
Vinoo online wine database:
Everyone's an expert!

Copy: Johan van den Outenaar