[Diverse merken] De merkidentiteit gevat in één krachtterm.
Strategy, Concept, Copy
Web Copy
[Various brands] On the web time to strike is even shorter than offline. So it better be good!
Branding, Copywriting
Animatie & Whiteboard Scripts
[Albert Heijn a.o.] How to make difficult matters simple.
Strategy, Script, Copy
Social Media Copy
[Roche] Press bulletin, Bloggers message and YouTube video description.
Copywriting, Content Writing
Copy Bio Ice Cream Brand
Heading for ice cream ad in a yoga magazine
Advertisements Concepts Film Festival
[Dutch Directors Guild] Basing your message on a conceptual idea communicates so much better!
Concept, Copywriting, Art direction, Retouching, Visual Effects
TV Commercial Copy for Car Brand
[MINI] Poem-like Copy for lifestyle TV commercial. 'It is what it is'. Commissioned by MINI's European advertising agency BSUR.
Copy, copywriting
TV Commercials for Garden Supplier
[Koers] Mayor projects, small garden needs. Koers supplies no matter how big you are.
Strategy, Concept, Script, Casting
Semi-editorial Copy
[Peter Diem] A smart advertising concept in disguise.
Strategy, Concept, Branding, Copywriting, Press-bulletin, Content writing
Interview Copy Fashion Couturier
[Ronald Kolk] Well-known dutch fashion designer Ronald Kolk needed a smart way to escape the endless routine of expensive shows but still continue design and make extraordinary fashion. We wrote a smart interview in his very own show-in-a-glossy transforming a distress into exclusive more-than-ever-attention for the clients.
Editorial Design, Copywriting, Journalism
Copy Fashion Brands
[Ronald Kolk a.o.] Short copy and press bulletins with the goal to stand out! And so we did.
Strategy, Concept, Copywriting, Press-bulletin, Content writing
Web Design and Copy ad blog
[The Wall of Shame] Rebellion design for 'enfents terribles of the advertising scene' (says Adformatie) shooting the worst advertisements.
Art Direction, Visual/Graphic Design, Web Design, Copy
Editorial Copy and Column Magazine
Editorial and column in glossy magazine.
Copywriting, Editorial copy, Column
Outdoor Abri
[Dirk supermarket] In the middle of the early 00's crisis Dirk saw the sun shining bright: 'All goes well with the "beurs" [stock exchange = wallet]'
Concept, Copywriting
Ad Concepts, Copy & Visuals supermarket
[Dirk supermarkets] Weekly offers promoted with a little joke.
Concept, Art direction, Copy
Headings for liquor store ads
[Dirck III liquor stores]
TV Commercials Scripts and Pay-offs soft-drinks
[Crodino] Sympathizing the under-estimated soft-drink.
Concept, Copywriting
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