Expo Concept & Design
[JW] An expo experience for a charitable institution in line with the parallel main event Sail Amsterdam 2015.
Concept, Graphic Design, Social Concepts

[Davilex] Launch of new cloud service
Concept, Art Direction, Copy, Motion Graphics

Staff Portrait Liquor Brand
[Bols] Staff portrait in 'Dutch master'-style for the 440th anniversary of the world's oldest liquor distillery.
Art Direction, Styling, Photoshoot Direction

Retail Concept 'Tailorism'
[Scotch & Soda] Kick-off of Scotch & Soda's European flagship store in Amsterdam.
Art Direction, Illustration

Multimediacampagne wijnplatform
[Vinoo] Wijnand de Wijlen Wijnprof ten strijde tegen Europa's grootste wijndatabase. "Vinoo, no! No!!!"
Strategy, Concept, Copy, Film Direction, Campaign

Magazine Design
[Ronald Kolk couture] Unique show-in-a-glossy! Highlights and interview around Ronald Kolk's new way to do. Never done before. "Just Ronald Kolk! Just beau-ti-ful", said one guest.
Art Direction, Graphic Design

Brochure Concept and Design
[Nieuwenhuis] A corporate folder in disguise for window films as a color range sample.
Concept, Art Direction, Graphic Design

Recruitment Campaign IT industry
[Eliantie] Campaign in disguise. People voluntary showed it around!
Concept, Art Direction

Brochure Design
[Spinweb] Never done before: a brochure with a real business pin-stripe suit structure!
Concept, Art Direction, Graphic Design

Moving Notice legal insurance
[SRK] A surprisingly suitable idea in two steps..
Concept, Graphic Design

Low-budget Campaign charitable concert
[War Child] The concert of the year. Profits are 100% given to War Child.
Art Direction, Copy

Advertentieconcept hulporganisatie
[Cordaid] Hoe je simpel en opvallend communiceert dat geld echt het verschil maakt.
Concept, Art Direction

Campaign concept, Poster & Brochure design
[Winterthur] Smart concept for selective target audience moped insurance.
Concept, Art Direction, Graphic Design, Copy

Recruitment Advertisement
[Winterthur] How to stand out in between hundreds of job advertisements showing your fun factor.
Concept, Art Direction, Copy

Outdoor Concept
[Dirk supermarkets] The tram as a cue of shopping carts. Fun with Dirk!
Concept, Art Direction, Copy

Ad Concepts, Copy & Visuals supermarket
[Dirk supermarkets] Weekly offers promoted with a little joke.
Concept, Art direction, Copy

Boomerang Cards
[Adformatie] For a campaign inviting creatives to upload their campaigns to be printed and spread on Boomerang cards.
Concept, Art direction, Copy

Mixed Media-campagne hulporganisatie
[Cordaid] Goede-doelencampagne met enorme impact en free publicity!
Concept, Art Direction, Copywriting

Direct Mailing printermerk
[Hewlett Packard] Direct mailing met een response van meer dan 80%!
Concept, Art direction, Graphic Design

Club flyer 'painkiller'
[Club RoXY] A real good party makes you need painkillers next day!
Art Direction, Graphic Design